AddObserver adds in a new observer to the store.It can be executed using an admin policy account Once added, the function also resets keygen and pauses inbound so that a new TSS can be generated.
message MsgAddObserver {
string creator = 1;
string observer_address = 2;
string zetaclient_grantee_pubkey = 3;
bool add_node_account_only = 4;
Updates core parameters for a specific chain. Core parameters include confirmation count, outbound transaction schedule interval, ZETA token, connector and ERC20 custody contract addresses, etc.
Throws an error if the chain ID is not supported.
Only the admin policy account is authorized to broadcast this message.
message MsgUpdateCoreParams {
string creator = 1;
CoreParams coreParams = 2;
message MsgAddBlameVote {
string creator = 1;
int64 chain_id = 2;
Blame blame_info = 3;
Updates permissions. Currently, this is only used to enable/disable the inbound transactions.
Only the admin policy account is authorized to broadcast this message.
message MsgUpdatePermissionFlags {
string creator = 1;
bool isInboundEnabled = 3;
bool isOutboundEnabled = 4;
Updates the block height of the keygen and sets the status to "pending keygen".
Only the admin policy account is authorized to broadcast this message.
message MsgUpdateKeygen {
string creator = 1;
int64 block = 2;